“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher”
Travel has been a central point of Kari and I’s life since we met. We’ve been able to experience places and cultures we could never have imagined and meet people who have become our lifelong friends. With travel though, comes the temptation of unhealthy fast food meals, skipping workouts, and falling off track from our health and fitness goals. Don’t let travel ruin your progress! Here’s a few of the tips and tricks we use to stay on track!
- Bring your water bottle. We bring 32 oz water bottles and fill them up as often as possible. This will not only save you money but keep you full and less likely to go down the Cheezit isle. If you are traveling by airplane, make sure your water bottle is empty, and you can fill it up after you get through security.
Bring your snacks; it is so easy to get off at an exit or stop by the airport to hit up the Cinnabon. You can pack almonds, make some energy bites, or grab some quest bars to keep yourself out of the fast food line.
Get your workout on your schedule and get it in early! If you know you’re going to be traveling all day, plan your workout and if possible get your workout (30 minutes a day) done before you start your travel. This is not only good for your heart; it will keep you on track toward your fitness goals!
If you know you are going to splurge (It’s okay, we’re not judging you 😂) choose one meal and stay on track the other meals. For example: Breakfast: Eggs + Spinach with GF toast Lunch: kale salad with grilled chicken 3. Dinner out on vacation! We always stick to this rule and don’t blow our progress. Also, make sure if you do decide to splurge, you got your workout in ahead of time!
Tell your friends and family your goals to keep yourself accountable! If you share your journey, it will be much harder to order a shake at Jack-n-the Box knowing others are watching!
If you are stuck at an airport, go for a walk! Most people arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before their flight and just sit at their gate. You can get in a few miles in and also enjoy some people watching. This is also great for blood flow because you’ll be sitting once you board the plane.
When you do have to stop and have to eat fast, steer clear of fried foods and full-fat dressings. These can pack up 1,000 calories a piece! We shoot for the salads and vinaigrette dressing or grilled chicken with a side of fruit or veggies.
These are just a few of the tips that have helped keep our health and fitness goals on track during our journeys. As always, please leave any questions in the comments!
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